Jesus’ Ministry

I have been called by God to teach others how to have a better relationship with Jesus.  Specifically with men.  I want to teach men, so they can model it to their families and others around them.  Our marriages should be our first witnessing tool.  Is Yours?

Class description

Starting Date:  Thursday May 4 - 7:00-8:30 PM

Location: 77 East Crossville rd Suite 204 Roswell GA 30075

Contact: Jeff Ruetten 678-467-1525

16 weeks of topical discussions around your relationship with God and how it impacts others.  I am looking for 6-10 men who are willing to be authentic and vulnerable. Your faith will be challenged.

We will discuss and try to answer questions like:

How do you hear God?

When you talk to God, what is your intent, your purpose for talking to Him?  Are they answered

What is prayer anyway?

What is love?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is authority and do you have any?

How important is your voice?

Generosity as described in the parables of the talents and reaping and sowing. 

A few gifts we have received from God to be selected by the group.